Saturday, September 24, 2016

Shield made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Sword made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Axe made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Helmet made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Gloves made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Long Sword made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Pole Axe made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Boots made with Sprite Something (ipad)

Shield made with Sprite Something

Axe made with Sprite Something (ipad)

5 lady faces with dark hair and shades

4 lady faces with dark hair and shades

6 lady faces with dark hair and shades

A Cookie or planet head

A tiny brown head

Another 10 faces

10 faces

5 faces

7 faces

Grey stone and some cartoony faces

Some blue practise rocks/stones

A Spear

A Axe

A Medieval weapon

A Wooden Stick

A Knife

Another Sword

Another Sword

Here a sword


Here a sword.